Quick Start

Those using the Docker, Kubernetes or Singularity container runtime environments may wish to skip straight to the page on Using Containers.

The rest of this page describes how to install the OSKAR Python bindings natively.


Linux and macOS

  • Make sure you have a working Python environment (including pip and numpy), C and C++ compilers.

  • Make sure OSKAR has been installed. On macOS, you can drag the pre-built package OSKAR.app to /Applications

  • Open a Terminal.

  • (Not usually required) If OSKAR is installed in a non-standard location, edit the paths in setup.cfg or temporarily set the two environment variables:

    export OSKAR_INC_DIR=/path/to/oskar/include/folder
    export OSKAR_LIB_DIR=/path/to/oskar/lib
  • Install the Python interface with:

    pip install --user 'git+https://github.com/OxfordSKA/OSKAR.git@master#egg=oskarpy&subdirectory=python'
  • The --user flag is optional, but you may need root permission without it.


  • Make sure you have a working Python environment (including pip and numpy), and Visual Studio Community C and C++ compiler.

    • You will need to make sure that Python is added to the PATH environment variable when it is installed.
    • These steps also work with the Anaconda Python distribution, but Anaconda is not required.
  • Make sure OSKAR has been installed using the pre-built package.

    • In the installer, you will need to select the option Add OSKAR to the PATH, and install all optional components (headers and libraries).
  • Open a Command Prompt (or an Anaconda Prompt, if using Anaconda).

  • (Not usually required) If OSKAR is installed in a non-standard location, edit the paths in setup.cfg or temporarily set the two environment variables:

    set OSKAR_INC_DIR=C:\path\to\oskar\include\folder
    set OSKAR_LIB_DIR=C:\path\to\oskar\lib
  • Install the Python interface with:

    pip install "git+https://github.com/OxfordSKA/OSKAR.git@master#egg=oskarpy&subdirectory=python"

Using Pipenv

This works also with Pipenv (but make sure the above environment variables are set first, if necessary):

pipenv install -e 'git+https://github.com/OxfordSKA/OSKAR.git@master#egg=oskarpy&subdirectory=python'


After installation using the steps above, the OSKAR Python interface can be uninstalled using:

pip uninstall oskarpy

This does not uninstall OSKAR itself, only the Python interface to it.


Once the OSKAR Python bindings have been installed, use:

import oskar

in your Python script to access the classes in this package. The example scripts may be helpful.