Beam errors at spot frequencies


This script demonstrates how the OSKAR Python interface can be used to run simulations which compare the performance of a set of telescope models.

The idea was to investigate how errors in the station beams would affect the quality of images produced by the SKA-Low telescope at a range of spot frequencies across the band, at 50, 70, 110, 137, 160, 230 and 320 MHz. A number of “corrupted” visibility data sets were generated at each frequency by introducing progressively larger errors in the station beams, and these were subtracted from a reference “perfect” data set generated without any corruptions. Dirty images were then made of the residual visibilities to estimate the amount of noise introduced by the beam errors.

The station beam errors were generated by varying the complex beamforming weights randomly within each of the 512 stations over a defined range. These errors were kept static throughout each observation to simulate the effects of residual calibration errors at the station level. Element phase errors were calculated as a function of frequency using a Gaussian-distributed cable length tolerance of 15 mm. Element gain errors were generated from Gaussian distributions with widths varying between 0.005 dB and 0.640 dB.

The sky models and other observation parameters were kept the same for each of the data sets. Three different fields were used, with each populated by sources from the GLEAM extragalactic catalogue, and the 10 brightest “A-team” sources in the sky were also added. All observations were set up to span 4 hours and to be symmetric about the meridian, with station beams and visibilities evaluated every 60 seconds to generate a representative aperture-plane coverage.

These results were written up and presented as part of the SKA System CDR documentation pack.

The simulation script

The script starts (in main) by declaring the axes of the parameter space to iterate over: the seven frequencies of interest, the eight gain error values, and the three target fields. The interesting parts of the script are mainly in three functions:

  • The run_set function uses three nested loops to map out the parameter space, steering the script by creating the oskar.Sky model for each field, updating a oskar.Telescope model, and setting the relevant parameters in a oskar.SettingsTree before simulating the visibilities using oskar.Interferometer (in make_vis_data).
  • The make_diff_image_stats function generates the residual visibilities by taking the difference of the data in two oskar.VisBlock classes (the “perfect” and “corrupted” data), which are read from two files. Note that a ThreadPoolExecutor is used to read data from the two files concurrently to improve performance. The residual visibilities are generated using block1.cross_correlations()[...] -= block2.cross_correlations() and these are passed directly (still inside block1) to oskar.Imager via its update_from_block() method. The images are then returned straight back for analysis using functions from numpy, and the image statistics are stored in a Python dictionary called results.
  • Finally, the results dictionary is plotted using matplotlib in the make_plot function.
#!/usr/bin/env python3

"""Script to run LOW station beam error simulations at spot frequencies."""

from __future__ import print_function, division
import concurrent.futures
import json
import logging
import os
import sys

from import fits
from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta
import matplotlib
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
import oskar

LOG = logging.getLogger()

def bright_sources():
    """Returns a list of bright A-team sources."""
    # Sgr A: guesstimates only!
    # For A: data from the Molonglo Southern 4 Jy sample (VizieR).
    # Others from GLEAM reference paper, Hurley-Walker et al. (2017), Table 2.
    return numpy.array((
        [266.41683, -29.00781,  2000,0,0,0,   0,    0,    0, 3600, 3600, 0],
        [ 50.67375, -37.20833,   528,0,0,0, 178e6, -0.51, 0, 0, 0, 0],  # For
        [201.36667, -43.01917,  1370,0,0,0, 200e6, -0.50, 0, 0, 0, 0],  # Cen
        [139.52500, -12.09556,   280,0,0,0, 200e6, -0.96, 0, 0, 0, 0],  # Hyd
        [ 79.95833, -45.77889,   390,0,0,0, 200e6, -0.99, 0, 0, 0, 0],  # Pic
        [252.78333,   4.99250,   377,0,0,0, 200e6, -1.07, 0, 0, 0, 0],  # Her
        [187.70417,  12.39111,   861,0,0,0, 200e6, -0.86, 0, 0, 0, 0],  # Vir
        [ 83.63333,  22.01444,  1340,0,0,0, 200e6, -0.22, 0, 0, 0, 0],  # Tau
        [299.86667,  40.73389,  7920,0,0,0, 200e6, -0.78, 0, 0, 0, 0],  # Cyg
        [350.86667,  58.81167, 11900,0,0,0, 200e6, -0.41, 0, 0, 0, 0]   # Cas

def get_start_time(ra0_deg, length_sec):
    """Returns optimal start time for field RA and observation length."""
    t = Time('2000-01-01 00:00:00', scale='utc', location=('116.764d', '0d'))
    dt_hours = 24.0 - t.sidereal_time('apparent').hour + (ra0_deg / 15.0)
    start = t + TimeDelta(dt_hours * 3600.0 - length_sec / 2.0, format='sec')
    return start.value

def make_vis_data(settings, sky, tel):
    """Run simulation using supplied settings."""
    if os.path.exists(settings['interferometer/oskar_vis_filename']):"Skipping simulation, as output data already exist.")
        return"Simulating %s", settings['interferometer/oskar_vis_filename'])
    sim = oskar.Interferometer(settings=settings)

def make_sky_model(sky0, settings, radius_deg, flux_min_outer_jy):
    """Filter sky model.

    Includes all sources within the given radius, and sources above the
    specified flux outside this radius.
    # Get pointing centre.
    ra0_deg = float(settings['observation/phase_centre_ra_deg'])
    dec0_deg = float(settings['observation/phase_centre_dec_deg'])

    # Create "inner" and "outer" sky models.
    sky_inner = sky0.create_copy()
    sky_outer = sky0.create_copy()
    sky_inner.filter_by_radius(0.0, radius_deg, ra0_deg, dec0_deg)
    sky_outer.filter_by_radius(radius_deg, 180.0, ra0_deg, dec0_deg)
    sky_outer.filter_by_flux(flux_min_outer_jy, 1e9)"Number of sources in sky0: %d", sky0.num_sources)"Number of sources in inner sky model: %d", sky_inner.num_sources)"Number of sources in outer sky model above %.3f Jy: %d",
             flux_min_outer_jy, sky_outer.num_sources)
    sky_outer.append(sky_inner)"Number of sources in output sky model: %d", sky_outer.num_sources)
    return sky_outer

def make_diff_image_stats(filename1, filename2, use_w_projection,
    """Make an image of the difference between two visibility data sets.

    This function assumes that the observation parameters for both data sets
    are identical. (It will fail horribly otherwise!)
    # Set up an imager.
    (hdr1, handle1) =
    (hdr2, handle2) =
    frequency_hz = hdr1.freq_start_hz
    fov_ref_frequency_hz = 140e6
    fov_ref_deg = 5.0
    fov_deg = fov_ref_deg * (fov_ref_frequency_hz / frequency_hz)
    imager = oskar.Imager(precision='double')
    imager.set(fov_deg=fov_deg, image_size=8192,
               fft_on_gpu=True, grid_on_gpu=True)
    if out_image_root is not None:
        imager.output_root = out_image_root"Imaging differences between '%s' and '%s'", filename1, filename2)
    block1 = oskar.VisBlock.create_from_header(hdr1)
    block2 = oskar.VisBlock.create_from_header(hdr2)
    if hdr1.num_blocks != hdr2.num_blocks:
        raise RuntimeError("'%s' and '%s' have different dimensions!" %
                           (filename1, filename2))
    if use_w_projection:
        imager.coords_only = True
        for i_block in range(hdr1.num_blocks):
  , handle1, i_block)
            imager.update_from_block(hdr1, block1)
        imager.coords_only = False
        imager.check_init()"Using %d W-planes", imager.num_w_planes)
    executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(2)
    for i_block in range(hdr1.num_blocks):
        tasks_read = []
        tasks_read.append(executor.submit(, hdr1, handle1, i_block))
        tasks_read.append(executor.submit(, hdr2, handle2, i_block))
        block1.cross_correlations()[...] -= block2.cross_correlations()
        imager.update_from_block(hdr1, block1)
    del handle1, handle2, hdr1, hdr2, block1, block2

    # Finalise image and return it to Python.
    output = imager.finalise(return_images=1)
    image = output['images'][0]"Generating image statistics")
    image_size = imager.image_size
    box_size = int(0.1 * image_size)
    centre = image[
        (image_size - box_size)//2:(image_size + box_size)//2,
        (image_size - box_size)//2:(image_size + box_size)//2]
    del imager
    return {
        'image_medianabs': numpy.median(numpy.abs(image)),
        'image_mean': numpy.mean(image),
        'image_std': numpy.std(image),
        'image_rms': numpy.sqrt(numpy.mean(image**2)),
        'image_centre_mean': numpy.mean(centre),
        'image_centre_std': numpy.std(centre),
        'image_centre_rms': numpy.sqrt(numpy.mean(centre**2))

def make_plot(prefix, field_name, metric_key, results,
              axis_freq, axis_gain):
    """Plot selected results."""
    # Get data for contour plot.
    X, Y = numpy.meshgrid(axis_freq, axis_gain)
    Z = numpy.zeros(X.shape)
    for freq, gain, z in numpy.nditer([X, Y, Z], op_flags=['readwrite']):
        key = '%s_%s_%d_MHz_%.3f_dB' % (prefix, field_name, freq, gain)
        if key in results:
            z[...] = numpy.log10(results[key][metric_key])
    ax1 = plt.subplot(111)

    # Scatter plot.
    sp = ax1.scatter(X, Y, c=Z, cmap='plasma')

    # Contour plot.
    cp = ax1.contour(X, Y, Z, cmap='plasma')
    levels = cp.levels
    print(prefix, field_name, len(levels))
    if len(levels) > 9:
        levels = levels[::2]
    clabels = plt.clabel(cp, levels, inline=False, fontsize=10, fmt='%1.1f')
    for txt in clabels:
        txt.set_bbox(dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='none', pad=1))

    # Title and axis labels.
    metric_name = '[ UNKNOWN ]'
    if metric_key == 'image_centre_rms':
        metric_name = 'Central RMS [Jy/beam]'
    elif metric_key == 'image_medianabs':
        metric_name = 'MEDIAN(ABS(image)) [Jy/beam]'
    sky_model = 'GLEAM'
    if 'A-team' in prefix:
        sky_model = sky_model + ' + A-team'
    plt.title('%s for %s field (%s)' % (metric_name, field_name, sky_model))
    plt.xlabel('Frequency [MHz]')
    plt.ylabel('Element gain standard deviation [dB]')
    cbar = plt.colorbar(sp)
    cbar.set_label('log10(%s)' % metric_name)
    plt.savefig('%s_%s_%s.png' % (prefix, field_name, metric_key))

def run_single(prefix_field, settings, sky, tel,
               freq_MHz, gain_std_dB, out0_name, results):
    """Run a single simulation and generate image statistics for it."""
    out = '%s_%d_MHz_%.3f_dB' % (prefix_field, freq_MHz, gain_std_dB)
    if out in results:"Using cached results for '%s'", out)
    out_name = out + '.vis'
    gain_std = numpy.power(10.0, gain_std_dB / 20.0) - 1.0
    tel.override_element_gains(1.0, gain_std)
    settings['interferometer/oskar_vis_filename'] = out_name
    make_vis_data(settings, sky, tel)
    out_image_root = out
    use_w_projection = True
    if str(settings['interferometer/ignore_w_components']).lower() == 'true':
        use_w_projection = False
    results[out] = make_diff_image_stats(out0_name, out_name, use_w_projection,

def run_set(prefix, base_settings, fields, axis_freq, axis_gain, plot_only):
    """Runs a set of simulations."""
    if not plot_only:
        # Load base telescope model.
        settings = oskar.SettingsTree('oskar_sim_interferometer')
        tel = oskar.Telescope(settings=settings)

        # Load base sky model
        sky0 = oskar.Sky()
        if 'GLEAM' in prefix:
            # Load GLEAM catalogue from FITS binary table.
            hdulist ='GLEAM_EGC.fits')
            # pylint: disable=no-member
            cols = hdulist[1].data[0].array
            data = numpy.column_stack(
                (cols['RAJ2000'], cols['DEJ2000'], cols['peak_flux_wide']))
            data = data[data[:, 2].argsort()[::-1]]
            sky_gleam = oskar.Sky.from_array(data)
        if 'A-team' in prefix:
            sky_bright = oskar.Sky.from_array(bright_sources())

    # Iterate over fields.
    for field_name, field in fields.items():
        # Load result set, if it exists.
        prefix_field = prefix + '_' + field_name
        results = {}
        json_file = prefix_field + '_results.json'
        if os.path.exists(json_file):
            with open(json_file, 'r') as input_file:
                results = json.load(input_file)

        # Iterate over frequencies.
        if not plot_only:
            for freq_MHz in axis_freq:
                # Update settings for field.
                settings_dict = base_settings.copy()
                ra_deg = float(settings['observation/phase_centre_ra_deg'])
                dec_deg = float(settings['observation/phase_centre_dec_deg'])
                length_sec = float(settings['observation/length'])
                settings['observation/start_frequency_hz'] = str(freq_MHz * 1e6)
                settings['observation/start_time_utc'] = get_start_time(
                    ra_deg, length_sec)
                tel.set_phase_centre(ra_deg, dec_deg)

                # Create the sky model.
                sky = make_sky_model(sky0, settings, 20.0, 10.0)
                settings['interferometer/ignore_w_components'] = 'true'
                if 'A-team' in prefix:
                    settings['interferometer/ignore_w_components'] = 'false'

                # Simulate the 'perfect' case.
                tel.override_element_gains(1.0, 0.0)
                out0_name = '%s_%d_MHz_no_errors.vis' % (prefix_field, freq_MHz)
                settings['interferometer/oskar_vis_filename'] = out0_name
                make_vis_data(settings, sky, tel)

                # Simulate the error cases.
                for gain_std_dB in axis_gain:
                    run_single(prefix_field, settings, sky, tel,
                               freq_MHz, gain_std_dB, out0_name, results)

        # Generate plot for the field.
        make_plot(prefix, field_name, 'image_centre_rms',
                  results, axis_freq, axis_gain)
        make_plot(prefix, field_name, 'image_medianabs',
                  results, axis_freq, axis_gain)

        # Save result set.
        with open(json_file, 'w') as output_file:
            json.dump(results, output_file, indent=4)

def main():
    """Main function."""
    handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

    # Define common settings.
    base_settings = {
        'simulator': {
            'double_precision': 'true',
            'use_gpus': 'true',
            'max_sources_per_chunk': '23000'
        'observation' : {
            'frequency_inc_hz': '100e3',
            'length': '14400.0',
            'num_time_steps': '240'
        'telescope': {
            'input_directory': ''
        'interferometer': {
            'channel_bandwidth_hz': '100e3',
            'time_average_sec': '1.0',
            'max_time_samples_per_block': '4'

    # Define axes of parameter space.
    fields = {
        'EoR0': {
            'observation/phase_centre_ra_deg': '0.0',
            'observation/phase_centre_dec_deg': '-27.0'
        'EoR1': {
            'observation/phase_centre_ra_deg': '60.0',
            'observation/phase_centre_dec_deg': '-30.0'
        'EoR2': {
            'observation/phase_centre_ra_deg': '170.0',
            'observation/phase_centre_dec_deg': '-10.0'
    axis_freq = [50, 70, 110, 137, 160, 230, 320]
    axis_gain = [0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08, 0.16, 0.32, 0.64]

    # GLEAM + A-team sky model simulations.
    plot_only = False
    run_set('GLEAM_A-team', base_settings,
            fields, axis_freq, axis_gain, plot_only)

if __name__ == '__main__':